Join us every Sunday at 10:30 am for worship!
Connect, Evolve, Transform

The educational wing of the church is located in the lower level. All rooms are well equipped, staffed and handicapped accessible. The children's and adult's classes use the Seasons of the Spirit Curriculum. The goal of this curriculum is to help bring faith to life through Bible stories and Bible study, through music and the visual arts, through activities and prayer, and through acts of service.
The Nursery
Ages: Birth to Age 2
Room #19
The Nursery is staffed from 9:15 am until 12 pm.
The Primary Class and Lower Elementary Classes
Ages: 3 to Grade 2
Room #16
The Upper Elementary Class
Ages: Grade 3 to Grade 5
Room #18
Middle & High School Class
Ages: Grade 6 to Grade 12
Room #12
Other Educational Opportunities
Kids of the Kingdom (Ages 3-10)
During Sunday morning worship the children come forward for a brief talk with the pastor and then leave worship for age appropriate activities. They return to their families after the sermon.
Youth Membership Class (Grades 4 and Up)
During the spring the pastor teaches a class to prepare youth for baptism and church membership. Adults wishing to be baptized can make personal arrangements with the pastor.
Vacation Bible School (Ages 3 to Grade 5)
Held in the summer, VBS is an opportunity for children to participate in a more experiential type of Bible learning.
Summer Camp (All Ages)
Kamp Kaleo, located near Burwell, NE, offers camping experiences for all ages.
Occasional Studies (Adults)
Watch church publications for information about special topic or biblical DVD discussions led by the pastor.
Special group experiences. Photos below are from 2019 Pilgrimage to Holy Land.