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What to Expect


The main entrance to the church is on North Cotner Blvd.  When you arrive, you will be greeted by our

enthusiastic greeters. Other entrances include the west entrance by the parking lot. This leads into

Fellowship Hall to the right and to the Sanctuary to the left. The handicap entrance is on the north side 

of the church by the office sign.



Our parking lot is located behind our church off Aylesworth Street, or on the streets surrounding

our building. Handicap parking is marked.



While our historic building contains many levels, our Sanctuary, Fellowship Hall, and Education classrooms are all accessible by an elevator.  Accessible restrooms are located in the the Fellowship Hall. 

The church's main offices are located on the north end of the building and are open from 9 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday.


Our prayer is that our worship services will provide members and friends with an opportunity to reflect and connect with the power of God. Please take this time to restore your spirit and give thanks. 

Worship begins with an instrumental prelude on piano or organ. We follow a simple but meaningful liturgy that incorporates a diversity of responses from choir anthems, vocal solos, to the reading of poetry, and congregational singing of both traditional and modern songs. Our worship service includes times of congregational participation to moments of individual silent reflection. 

Communion is observed each week. Ours is an open table: all are invited to share in this sacrament of bread and grape juice in which we are reminded of the sacred power of sharing in community with one another. 

We have a  hearing loop system in the main sanctuary. Large-print bulletins and listening devices are available at the back of the sanctuary. Please help yourself, or ask an greeter for assistance.



We believe that our calling as a community is to nurture each child's innate spirituality and sense of wonder. We enthusiastically welcome small children into worship and provide optional activity bags and coloring pages near the greeter's area at the back of the sanctuary. Small children are invited to participate in Kids of the Kingdom following the children's message, at which time they may go to a classroom with an adult leaders for age appropriate activities. They will return to their families after the sermon. 


Nursery care is available during each Sunday service. The Nursery is located in the Education wing. 



Immediately following worship, we gather in the Fellowship Hall  to enjoy a cup of coffee and cookies. This time provides the opportunity for people to get connected and acquainted with the life and work of the church.

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